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Our School

Our Mission:

Minneha Core Knowledge provides a safe environment for every student, a solid foundation of learning, incorporates Core Knowledge concepts, and develops academic and social skills, in order for today's diverse learners to become tomorrow's career leaders.

Our Values and Beliefs:

  1. Maintain high expectations, opportunities, consistency, and exude positivity.
  2. Demonstrate citizenship and be professional role models.
  3. Use positive interactions to celebrate cultural diversity.
  4. Provide welcoming and inviting events encouraging communication and collaboration between community, families, and staff.
  5. Unite to positively collaborate, encourage, and motivate students and each other.

Our Vision:

At Minneha, we envision a school were...

  1. Students feel safe, supported, valued, and encouraged by a warm, positive, welcoming building.
  2. Students make real world connections in their learning.
  3. Students exhibit character traits that will help them become problem solvers, collaborators, and effective communicators in our ever-changing diverse society.
  4. Community involvement and partnerships with diverse members enrich the various domains across the grade levels.
  5. The Minneha community feels accepted and valued.

Core Knowledge:

The idea behind Core Knowledge is simple and powerful: knowledge builds on knowledge. The more you know, the more you are able to learn. Nearly all of our most important goals for education–greater reading comprehension, the ability to think critically and solve problems, even higher test scores – are a function of the depth and breadth of our knowledge.

  • Our curriculum is aligned within our building to allow students to build upon prior knowledge.
  • Our students have a strong appreciation for all cultures and diversity among students.
  • Our school has a strong Site Council and Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
  • Our teachers work diligently to develop differentiated instruction that fits all learners.
  • Our staff has a strong desire to help each student reach their highest potential.

OUR school can be YOUR school!

Learn about our magnet theme